In a world full of labels, let's embrace them! I have created this giving page for the underdogs. For schools in rural areas, with a high population of low-SES families. For students who deserve all the bells and whistles, and for the teachers who use their hard-earned money to provide for them. Each project on this page is handpicked and in need of your assistance. #CollaborationStation #EmbraceTheLabel challengeid=22118720
{"challengeId":22118720,"stats":{"active":8,"funded":3,"donors":9},"shouldSaveChallengeIdCookie":true,"challenge":{"id":22118720,"type":"Challenge","donorId":7324033,"name":"A Person Is A Person No Matter How _____!","URL":"/donors/viewChallenge.html?id=22118720","shuffleProjects":false,"landingTab":"ACTIVE","isPartnerPage":false},"challengeName":"A Person Is A Person No Matter How _____!","vanityType":"challenge","isGivingPage":true}