Review Student Thank-Yous
Donors who give more than $50 to a project have the chance to receive handwritten student thank-you notes—the “special sauce” of our Thank-You Packages. We receive hundreds of packages each day (sometimes thousands!) from classrooms across the country full of thank-yous. That's where you come in. Volunteers review the thank-yous to protect student privacy, check them into our computer system, repackage them, and mail them off to eager donors — all within 24 hours.
After the first few months of their work, our volunteers report a newfound appreciation of glitter art and an uncanny ability to speed-decipher third-grade handwriting.
Write Donor Thank-Yous
We practice what we preach: in addition to asking students to send us thank-you notes for donors, we also ask volunteers to handwrite their own notes to a selection of our donors each week. But don't worry: there's no penmanship test!